10 ways a prenatal dietitian can help support your fertility and pregnancy

I had a client say to me once: “My friend asked me ‘why are you working with a dietitian? Is she going to make you more fertile or something?’ and I laughed while she was telling me this story. I answered: ‘uhh…yeah, pretty much!’ And my client agreed! Everything from our thyroid and gut to our stress levels and sleep quality is all connected to our fertility. Basically, I help optimize all of that so it’s working in sync to not only get clients pregnant, but have healthy pregnancies and, ultimately, healthy babies!


I do get asked quite a bit, what does a prenatal dietitian do? The quick answer: help you get pregnant! The longer, more detailed answer I broke down below.


1) Helps to investigate issues with your fertility

            Most of my one-on-one clients come to me after trying to conceive for various amounts of time. If it hasn’t happened for them yet, they start to wonder if something is wrong with her or her partner and what more can they do. I have a number of tests that look at hormone levels, cycle parameters, nutrient deficiencies, thyroid issues, blood sugar issues, etc. to determine what the underlying issue could be. We then work together to correct those issues to bring them closer to baby.


2) Helps to optimize your fertility

            Clients also come to me who don’t know if they have fertility issues because they haven’t started TTC yet. They want to be proactive about their fertility for a variety of reasons: they’ve had other health issues (anemia, gut problems, thyroid disruptions), have an irregular cycle (PCOS, endometriosis, thyroid disruptions), or simply want to prepare their bodies the best they can before getting pregnant. More often than not, we run tests before determining a plan to make sure we’re targeting things that can be improved and then we work on nutrition, lifestyle changes, and targeted supplementation to achieve fertility and cycle goals.


3) Supports you through ART (IUI/IVF) – to optimize outcomes

            I have a number of clients who come to me already in the process of IUI or IVF and after investing so much emotionally, physically, and mentally, they want to work on optimizing their outcome – achieving a healthy pregnancy and ultimately a healthy baby! Most tests have already been done but if there are some missing (most commonly specific nutrients) we run those. Then we focus on solid nutrition, lifestyle changes, and stress management before and after egg retrieval and then before and after embryo transfer.


4) Helps troubleshoot through your first trimester

            Once a client gets pregnant while under my care, they usually want to continue working with me so I can help them throughout their pregnancy! There’s so much joy and excitement when you receive a positive test but there’s also the shadow side of getting pregnant, too. Nausea, vomiting, food aversions, shakiness, hanger, fatigue and utter exhaustion. So many changes happen within that first trimester, it can be really supportive to have someone there to answer questions, provide support, and navigate those changes.


5) Helps support nutrition and lifestyle during pregnancy

            Once we’re through the first trimester (which can require a lot of powering through), I work with my pregnant clients to make sure they’re consuming an adequate variety of foods to support their pregnancy. We navigate continued food aversions and brainstorm ways to optimize their nutrition.


6) Helps interpret lab results during pregnancy

            You’ll most likely feel like a pincushion during pregnancy with the amount of lab tests and blood draws that occur. And at no fault of their own, doctors don’t have time to go over all the results with their patients. I can step in and help with the interpretation and walk clients through what the results mean.


7) Provides education and support for managing gestational diabetes

            Gestational diabetes is a common issue that occurs during pregnancy. I walk clients through what the glucose test entails and how to prepare for it as well as interpreting the results. If clients receive a gestational diabetes diagnosis, we work together at implementing changes to manage that diagnosis whether that includes insulin or not.


8) Provides solutions for overcoming pregnancy-induced anemia

            Anemia is another common issue that can occur during pregnancy, especially during the third trimester. I work with clients to interpret results from the lab test and we work together at making changes to alleviate the anemia either through dietary changes or adding supplements to the regimen.


9) Helps prepare for birth and postpartum

            Aside from growing an adorable pregnant belly, third trimester can come with its own complications (heartburn, lack of sleep, lack of room in the stomach) that need help managing. Being a mother myself, we also discuss ways to prepare for birth and postpartum from a nutrition standpoint. Significant healing needs to happen after the baby is born and there are several ways you can prepare for it ahead of time and make your life easier.


10) Ultimately, is a trusted source for questions/concerns

            I always tell my clients to use me instead of Google when they have a question or concern. Not only will I provide evidence-based, trusted advice or counseling but it will be individualized to you. The rabbit hole the internet sends you down often leaves more questions than answers or worse, unfounded fears and anxiety! There’s enough to worry about when you’re pregnant so I tell clients to use me as needed to help calm their nerves.


Bonus! I’m also a CLC and can help with successful feedings

            I’m also a certified lactation counselor meaning that I can help support with breastfeeding or bottle feeding your newborn. Being a dietitian, I can also help support milk production and breastmilk quality through nutrition.


If you’re looking for support for your fertility or pregnancy, I am accepting new clients and would love to see if I can help! Apply to work with me here.